Caution Wet Floor

Caution Wet Floor

Remember when I broke out in hives and my doctor put me on mood stabilizing meds to treat the suppressed anxiety that I couldn't get under control because people are crazy, motherhood is nuts and it isn't socially acceptable to drink red wine until after five even though it's good for your heart (here's a [...]

All is Calm (not)

All is Calm (not)

I'm an Instagram stalk-a-holic of all things baby.  Kids shops, boutiques, baby brands - you name it.  An addict by nature, I binge-scroll through all of the leather moccasins, whimsical nurseries, luxury strollers, handmade classic toys, stylish bow subscriptions (that we JUST cancelled to my dismay because "priorities") and 'add to cart' mentally.  Then get frustrated with all [...]