Out Here Grindin’

Out Here Grindin’

15 days to slow the spread. Remember that? Fast forward 150-something days later and we're all still inside wondering what day it is while we hide from one of "history's deadliest pandemics" with a 99% recovery rate. Kirklands is selling Warm Vanilla Spice scented candles and the grocery stores have restocked the pumpkin pie creamer. [...]

Caution Wet Floor

Caution Wet Floor

Remember when I broke out in hives and my doctor put me on mood stabilizing meds to treat the suppressed anxiety that I couldn't get under control because people are crazy, motherhood is nuts and it isn't socially acceptable to drink red wine until after five even though it's good for your heart (here's a [...]

The Housewife Hives

The Housewife Hives

Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. You surrender your body for nine months awaiting a slippery, helpless, hungry human to come barreling out. Then once the new babe is on the outside, you're involuntarily flooded with turbulent emotions that drive you to somehow keep a tiny human fed, dry and warm. Alive. Then they [...]

Train up a child in the way they should…no

In our house, we like to celebrate the little parenting wins. Wins like: Getting both kids bathed at least every other day Being on-time-ish literally anywhere Keeping both kids fed - even if a mid-morning snack is yesterday's fossilizing hot dog from under the couch (hey, fed is fed, right??) Peeing alone - and no [...]