The Housewife Hives

The Housewife Hives

Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. You surrender your body for nine months awaiting a slippery, helpless, hungry human to come barreling out. Then once the new babe is on the outside, you're involuntarily flooded with turbulent emotions that drive you to somehow keep a tiny human fed, dry and warm. Alive. Then they [...]

Is it too late now to say, “Sorry?”

Today I'm tired - but not because the usual 16 pound reason. Little Piper Grey sleeps 10-11 hours a night now - which is glorious. So evenings are when we clean, catch up on garbage TV (like the train wreck that is Bachelor in Paradise), attempt a workout, or catch up on the tragedies happening in the world.

I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up

While clumsily sliding into my orthopedic Vans to accommodate my swollen feet and Bachelor Ben Higgins -worthy, transitory cankles,  I worried this morning that I wasn't going to be able to get back up in my closet - seriously considering if I was going to have to spend the entire Friday on the floor with dust-collecting Dry Clean [...]

Let there be shelves

Thanks to Pinterest, no wedding extravaganza, engagement photo-shoot (did these even exist before Pinterest?), winter wardrobe, home-decor effort, or nursery will (or can never) be sub-par ever again. PS - WordPress really wants me to correct sub-par to Subaru. Not happening, WordPress. What goes in a nursery? Pinterest B.C. - Crib, glider, changing table, baby dresser, diapers. [...]

Be Nice to Me, My Wife is Pregnant

We've entered into the homestretch of this pregnancy triathlon - and with 77 days left on the burner,  I'm ready to award my husband with the Medal of Honor for the incessant foot rubs (can't even call them feet - they're summer sausages) and the erratic, constant food runs (Japanese, no...Olive Garden, no...chocolate milk). Not even Caitlyn [...]