Will Smile for Snacks

Will Smile for Snacks

Oh my word! Adele Cabanillas has done it again with her magical, bright and creative photography - capturing my tiny family in our little brick house in the most delightful way. My heart can hardly stand it. Funny (but mostly humbling and horribly embarrassing) story... while I was feverishly cleaning our home like a madwoman to [...]

Fifty Shades of Naysayers

Thanks to social media - and the media in general, we're now all well aware of the wildly vehement repercussions of succumbing to the temptation that is the highly anticipated '50 Shades of Grey' movie. The film that will undoubtedly infect our steadfast relationships, turn our husbands into abusive animals, whip us into pitiful, silent submissives and send us all [...]

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

Whoever said that was likely 25 years old - and had just bought a house (presumably in Rome). And by "built" - they mean: painted, decorated, furnished, cleaned, mowed, clipped, raked and Swiffered - because somehow, dog hair is much more prominent on shiny wood floors than it is on dingy, apartment carpet. The sun [...]

All Sorts of Shiny Things

All Sorts of Shiny Things

Something borrowed, something new. Something old, something blue. Somewhere in between 74 antique mason jars, seating charts, squat marathons, hotel blocks, cellists in Florida, waxing, bleaching, tanning and plucking - the traditional "somethings" slipped my mind (imagine that). Not my husband's though (here come two major "awww" moments). The Night Before (one year ago, today) Rehearsal [...]

Eenie, meenie, miney… Golden

Eenie, meenie, miney… Golden

venue [ven-yoo] noun a massive chunk out of any wedding budget - and an equally as massive headache (negative) an opportunity for spontaneous road trips and [Southeast] world-travel (positive) a possible journey of self-discovery and preference (if we want to get really deep) the pinnacle decision that generates a domino effect of wedding planning: venue availability [...]